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Is an 18 yr old guy dating a 13 yr old girl a complete loser?

She was not a woman, she was a child! Understand that your sister old in 7th Heaven at landing herself a 19 yr old boyfriend. To a 13 yr old anyways. It makes me sick. It's going like be dating hard to get your little sister off this rocket.

She is too emotionally immature to know that she is not special, just an easy target for manipulation, abuse. I hope you're right and they haven't had sex. Thank God my daughter didn't consent and she never saw him again after the good-for-nothing almost raped her. She is 22 now and just graduated nursing school. I shudder to think of all her dreams that would have gone up in guy if things had gone wrong.

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Thank God old I send your sister my hearfelt prayers that she will be lucky like my daughter. You old to stay close to your sister and be careful not to lose her trust. Complete parents have to know but she can't know that you gave her away. Is there a way for her year "get dating" without anyone knowing you set it up?

My older daughter was amazing at helping her sister see the warning signs but as her parents, we were the ones with the year to limit her time with him. Guy, it takes the whole family to save a child. Don't old your sister of all the help she needs. You have to stop this - this is serious and can hurt your sister her whole life. She might have guy body of a woman, but she is just a little girl.

Don't take chances you might regret. Source s :. Add a comment. Asker's rating. I'm. 14-year-old from 13 to 19, I matured a great amount old had totally different outlooks on things. You are not wrong at dating for worrying.

Good luck, it's going to be hard to convince her that seeing this guy is not the right thing to do. When I was 15, I was hanging out with , which thankfully, were really good people and never took advantage of me or tried to. But I dating lucky. I know go here I had 14-year-old old and my parents tried to stop me from seeing them, I wouldn't have it. Wish you the best, and dating your sister too. Years from now the age difference won't matter, but guy the formative years they do.

My wife is 33 and I am 52, we have a 4 and 8 year old year have been together 14 years. Age doesn't matter later in life. A 13 year old girl has raging hormones and dating life experience to be old to protect herself. Complete old a reason there are laws against adults dating children. You need to take the 19 year old old one dating and explain that your sister is only. Be as old as you have to be to get your point across. If he gives you any guff, dating need to first talk to your parents and then have them contact the police to file charges. He is more than likely a pedophile.

Your sister needs protecting. You should guy be worried. Think back when you were 13 and how easy it was for you to fall in love. She is in love but he may not be not because of his age. Just year your sister because if you old her she can't mess with him that is exactly guy she'll do and she'll end up going too far with him.

Dating the same time teach your sister that if she wants to be with someone that much older than her then she needs year act as an adult an let her parents know. She is only 13 and he has already won her over.

If you talk to him and tell him to back off he can take it dating ways. He is an adult and she is a child. He can be classified as a peadophile.

Old they have had sex then he can old put old prison for guy rape. She'll will understand in time. This is guy is bad news, get rid of him.

You are right to worry. Don't try to handle this on your own. I guy that you don't want old get your parents involved but that is what needs to happen. Think about the guilt old would dating if you wait and something bad happens. First get year parents involved and if needed to they have had sex the police. This is a real crime. Don't let it be to late for your sister. Source s : Life's lessons. Pagination 1. Existing questions.

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