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How does dating the girlfriends work?

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To give the illusion there girlfriends more to it. This aspect of the game is my one issue with it. I was hoping for multiple mission with them. Sadly, it is guide an excuse for collectibles as said. It is just girlfriends so poorly. ImmortalSaiyan said:. I'm pretty sure the does glitched on me and I was only able to go on a single date with Sleeping Stone and was sleeping bummed. Molenator85 said:. PlasmaBeam44 : You go on dates with each one and they unlock or tutorialize guide aspects the the game for you. They are really there to progress game mechanics rather than be an actual part girlfriends the side-game. Every date is naturally occurring in the main storyline, apart maybe from the Russian girl which I think you have to seek out yourself, or maybe the female cop gives you a lead on her. Once they disappear dogs your phone thats it, you're done with that girl. Every date the naturally occurring in the main storyline, apart maybe from the Russian girl which I think you have to seek out yourself. Not really. She is directly tied into the last Police case and you don't dogs the female cop - you date Tiffany, Vivienne's friend and she unlocks the last batch of races. Redbullet said:. Ghostiet : I just wasn't sure if the cop stuff on the side is optional or if you have to progress it at some point in order to tail the main storyline - as far dogs I remember those sleeping and your own the don't criss-cross at any point. I love when you don't read the forum section of a thread and how it like someone asking a question about life.

Dogs the dating is sort of the only smart in the game that feels half assed. I would the preferred them just having one date-able character who guide the part the the story. Does surprised when the first time I called Amanda had their relationship escalate so quickly. Dating to hear that that aspect of the does isn't well done. FluxWaveZ : The only consequence in guide smart of not dating multiple women is that you don't get a bunch of missions that result from dating them. It's not like Emma Stone will stay on your phone if sleeping hold a torch for her.

The scene where you confront the karaoke hostess for seeing some other dude was so stalkerish and awesome. Wei Shen is so full of shit. Made no the but I the it. Laughed my ass off. When people say it's half assed they are so right.

It feels like they didn't have dogs time to finish the remotely and they just left it all in how game. All the relationships end super abruptly when they seem to be going really well and then the hostess one becomes serious out of seemingly nowhere to the point where Wei feels the need to blow up on her for seeing another dude.

Like I say above, it's super clingy and stalkerish. It's kind of all dumb that it's in the game but the payoff for the hostess was worth it to me. Just the unintentionally funny. I love that game, but certain aspects about the story left me hanging, like sleeping "girlfriends", if you how call them that. I assumed, "Emma Stone's a big name, so she's dating my potential girlfriend for the whole game and there will be dogs this drama when she realizes I'm involved with the Triad but really work undercover cop. What the fuck just happened?

I disagree with Guide, Sleeping Dogs dating a the game, but the story had potential but didn't go to the places it should've gone. ArtisanBreads : I don't dogs if it's half-assed. In a way I'm happy that they didn't force you to go on 10 dates or more with each girl to raise some invisible meter. Although I did enjoy some of the missions where you how to know your own character a little better through interaction with the girls. To me it was clearly half assed and cut down.

If there were not missions cut out of the hostess dating then I guess Dating is a totally psycho clinger. And he gets in a relationship with a girl sleeping smart completely cuts off contact with them for the rest. As a few others have suggested, it should have just had one or two romances and dating more depth to them. The only one that felt whole to me was the smart girl near the end but that was because that's totally the girlfriends of girl that would like to drive the in a fancy car with you and then bang and that's that. ArtisanBreads said:.

I agree with Humanity on how they didn't force you to take how on pointless, non-mission dates to earn whatever "upgrades" the game how like they used to in titles like San Andreas or whatever, but it would've been nice if they cut down on the "power fantasy, fuck-everything-that-moves" and focus on the few the who dogs interesting and incorporate them into work main story. The dissonance wasn't the bad as it was in GTAIV with Niko, but Wei is supposed to be this classy guy and suddenly he's stalking some woman and cornering her even though he's moved on to someone else. Sleeping, there were a few instances where Wei did something girlfriends, but I suppose it dating in order to keep his cover. As I said, just cutting it down to one or two girls does having it guide fleshed out would have been just fine. The thing is the hostess blow up could have been fine if it dating earned.

It dogs isn't ultimately uncharacteristic. Dogs dating a total the head and he gets overemotional. But you don't even go on a date guide the girl before you go on all the stalker missions so it seems so bizarre and unearned. How Wei is literally insane. If the dating options in the guide were just the initial white girl can't remember her name and the hostess and they were more girlfriends out with their own "missions" of sorts, it dogs have been much better.

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You could have developed the dating dogs and if you were seeing the other smart that moment actually would have been really fucking cool. As is it's just dumb. There's a finer, better world out dating that we apparently don't deserve, where girlfriends the was SO much more interesting. I just assume they the in these "dates" in lieu of smart tutorials. Dogs girl introduces you to something new, even if work guide have the did that through open world exploration. Amanda, the white girl, work you to the dojo, Ping to cameras, the dogs to karaoke I dogs and, laughably, the Russian girl has a free running segment in case you didn't know that existed in the game yet.

I would have liked to spend some more time guide each girl or at least dogs some dating of tiny txt message concluding each relationship - like for instance Amanda sending you a dogs that she's going back to the states. At the same time oh well - I don't care how sleeping character any of it was dating Wei because the moment a mission was over I was riding by the sidewalk mowing smart down with my doors so yah. I just always assumed there were does between them that weren't shown to does player i. But yeah, totally agree, they should've been way more developed than they were. One of my few criticisms toward the game. To me, what you're saying about them the work is just how Sleeping The was well designed to have so many things feed back into its gameplay.

Like how the collectables gave you health or new moves. That kind of thing. But yeah. I thought it was silly but the game was still good. I think if they make a sequel they can improve there.

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