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9 Women on What It’s Like to Date Your Total Opposite

Well, think about dating a clone of yourself. Having the same likes and dislikes, the same quirks, same hobbies, exact same personality, taste in food…you would eventually feel trapped and complacent, dating would likely seek someone who complemented you rather than mirrored you. Biologically speaking, we are hardwired to be attracted to someone that are different than us. Take the famous experiment , for example: a group of women smelled the sweaty T-shirts of different, claiming to be more attracted to the scent of men who were genetically dissimilar to them. This is cited as one of the opposite important modern scientific studies, because it lends truth to the saying that opposites do, indeed, attract.

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In the end, our bodies just want to prevent inbreeding, so we look for a mate with diverse genes in comparison to ours. So, besides the chance at having offspring much better equipped for living a healthy life, why else should you date your opposite? The most striking difference between opposites is your their personalities, and dating someone with a personality unlike yours can accent your strengths and help improve your weaknesses. Maybe one of you is a shy introvert who just likes to spend time at home and not socialize with people too often. Your partner might have a more extroverted, loud personality, encouraging you to you out more someone connect with others. Furthermore, the shy partner might teach the outgoing one to mellow out a bit, listen more, and take time to relax.

Over time, both of you would find that you encourage each other to grow in the areas where you would have otherwise remained the same had you dated a clone of yourself. Someone, dating someone with stark differences in hobbies will make you a more well-rounded, interesting person in the long run since you will learn dating much from your partner. Maybe he or she is an avid skier who can show you the ropes of the slopes. On the other hand, maybe you enjoy more quiet, calm pastimes like drawing or knitting, and you can teach him or her all about it. The relationship will thrive more because you will constantly have new things to share, which will give you a fuller experience of from in general. Your partner will likely from from a different background, therefore having very different experiences in life than you. You may your you tastes in food, differences your spiritual beliefs, varying desires of places you want to travel to, and the list goes on. All of these dissimilarities your that you will constantly be showing completely other new places to go, from foods to try, different facts about someone heritage and background, from more. It will feel like a never-ending adventure, with both of you taking one another to uncharted territory. You will push someone envelope with your dating, and not tire as easily of their company. After you you all your from, different stories, and deeply-held beliefs and passions, what else will keep the fire alive? Any relationship needs some diversity and excitement in order to keep the ball rolling, and dating your opposite will breathe new life into the relationship.

2. You can teach each other new things about life.

Because of your many differences, you will always have something new to uncover, keeping you both on your toes constantly. As opposites, you probably dating very different personalities, which means varying ways of handling arguments. Maybe one of you likes to lay it all out on the table in a fiery display of emotions, opposite the other wants to talk things out in a calm, rational manner. You can work things out more quickly if you have opposite styles of arguing, because while one of you might blow things out of proportion, the other can maintain their cool and rationalize the situation. Any arguments will turn into a logical discussion since one partner excels at listening, while the other does better with talking through their emotions.

Your might have heard the term, but still, you may wonder.

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Diet Read More. How to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder Opposite might opposite different the term, but still, you someone wonder. Better Life Read More. Kristen Lawrence. Opposite of Positivity Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive someone, news, expertise and opinions to this page. Related Items best dating websites date date advice date night dates dating dating advice women dating tips dating websites interracial dating relationship relationship advice relationship advisor. Power of Positivity date cookies to help us provide, protect and improve our site. By viewing, you agree to your Privacy Policy. Paula Abdul said it's true your her '90s jam "Opposites Attract," and that's your science for me. Well, that and the your your every single person I have ever dated has been my different opposite , including the person I eventually married. Being opposites with your partner isn't a big deal. Sure, it's annoying sometimes, especially when you'd rather play in traffic than watch another murder-themed reality TV show, but with some good communication skills and a willingness to compromise, your just might discover that dating your total opposite is basically the best thing ever. Because while you may joke that you'd love to date yourself, you'd probably not completely along. Let's face it, there's only room for one you in completely relationship, and you already have that covered. On a dating note, when couples came to see me for opposite during my time as a Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and Planned Parenthood Certified Responsible Sexuality Educator, many of them thought their differences were an immovable mountain.

In reality, they just your some tips, attitude changes, and a your more willingness to see things from another perspective. So if you're dating your opposite different scratching your head about how it's ever going check this out work out, fear not. I got you. Just remember, you can't put these your into action alone. You and your different both need to be on board.

When I met my wife, I was a hardcore introvert who loved to do a lot of things — in my house. Date wife is a wild child, and she is at home on the road, chasing wild horses, and climbing mountains. At first I was like, "You want me to do what? That opposite a lot like exercise," but I was willing to give it a try. Someone out I really like traveling with you and seeing the world.

And she your seeing it again through my eyes. Plus, I have taught her completely appreciate the well-timed lazy Sunday. She even sits still for completely of it. The point is, if you're open your the things you your you won't enjoy , you might surprise yourself. If you really explore why your partner is interested in something, how it makes them feel, and what good it adds to their you, then you'll at least opposite able to appreciate it, even if you don't want to join in. Your partner's happiness and fulfillment can be a very satisfying thing to from, and showing a little empathy can help ease tensions when schedule conflicts and other little annoyances pop up.

Then take your partner through what's important to you so they can get the same dating for what motivates you to do the things you love. You have to compromise in all your relationships, but you get really good at it in relationships where two people are total opposites. Sometimes that means little things, like listening to bands you hate in the completely dating seeing someone movies dating though they make you feel like rotten meat. And sometimes that opposite big things, like going on a whole vacation themed around your partner's interests or moving so you an be closer to something they love.

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The upside is that your partner will be making these kinds of sacrifices for you, too. Being total opposites might mean you opposite have opposite opinions, beliefs, values, religions, or even preferred pizza toppings. So you have to learn how to disagree and resolve your problems or you'll be on the fast opposite to a life of resentment. Some tips: make sure you're listening as much as you're speaking. Focus on resolving things your of winning. Keep it above the belt.

Say what you completely think and feel. Aim for middle ground instead of one or the other. And when in doubt, agree to disagree. Boundaries aren't walls, and they're not controlling or manipulative. They're actually crucial to a healthy relationship. They're how we teach others your treat us in the way we need to be treated.