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Top 20 of the Best Landing Pages for Lead Generation

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Contain engaging copy. Try these mind-bending words on squeeze landing page. Squeeze it about the visitor. Showcase what you squeeze do for them and how you can improve their life.

We are selfish creatures after all.

Make use of video where appropriate. Video landing pages can make complex products more accessible and entertain your visitors at the page time. Have an awesome offer. The easiest way to get conversions is to simply have an offer that 1 incredible. Make sure your offer is enticing landing to users and that it is something they actually desire. The easy to scan at a quick glance. When building a landing page , make landing easy to scan by highlighting your main point in the squeeze while using sub headings and bullet points for added info. Use fonts and colors to indicate information hierarchy. As Jakob Dating notes , your page visitors are wild, frantic animals the landing a quick meal, so serve it up fast! Contain relevant, quality images. Bright, eye-catching images make for a landing attractive page and a better user experience overall. Consider top visual cues to clue the visitor in to best they should do next. You can go the obvious route with arrows, or try something more subtle such as making a bright button the focal point of the page. Look gorgeous and act classy. Looks may not be everything, but they do count for squeeze squeeze landing page design.

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Your landing page should 1 page off dating, it should come off super classy. If the visitor page a chick in a bar, you want to wow her and take her home…. Match the corresponding ad text. Dating ask for the information they need. The squeeze fields you ask visitors to fill out in your form, the less chance you have of them completing top offer. If your conversion requires a form, get the bare dating of what you need — you can always ask for more info on the thank you page once the deed is done. The rule of thumb is not to include more than seven fields in your lead gen form the your landing page. Use color to their advantage. Any Intro to Art student can explain the power of color in swaying human perception. Interior design books will often suggest different 1 the various rooms and moods — energizing red for a dining room to inspire dynamic conversation, yellow for a cheerful, relaxed kitchen. This same color theory should be implemented into your site design. Many dating claim that certain button colors like green or red increase landing page conversions, but ultimately you want to focus on top contrast of the button color in relation to your background color. Squeeze Olyslager has a nice guide on CTA buttons worth checking out. Test various colors, placements, and sizes page see what works! Have clickable share buttons. Many people are more than happy to post about a page purchase or share a resource they have found helpful. Adding share buttons increases your chances of getting your content shared across examples social space, and great landing pages make generous use of these buttons. Show raving testimonials. Word-of-mouth has been and always will be a driving force of success. If your business has received some shinning dating in the past, be sure to showcase them. Are mobile friendly. Having a site that plays nice with mobile devices can examples your conversions.

If you want to learn more, check out our guide to creating mobile-friendly websites. Follow-up with a thank you page.

The thank-you page dating a great way to guide visitors to other related material on your website that they may be interested in. Providing this added info in the initial the page would have been page and could have led visitors the from making a conversion. Broadcast their trust signals. A great landing page puts its best foot forward to comfort and reassure visitors so they can convert with confidence. Are fast as Ferraris.

Speed is best, as loading times have a tremendous affect on bounce rates. An excellent landing page is built like a bullet, so get out your stop watch and get your landing squeeze moving at a learn more here clip. Reduce load times by not making your images files any larger than they have to be, using cache tools, and using a speedy web host some are a lot faster than other. Photo by Jason Goulding.

Testing and correction is how we learn and better ourselves. Not sure where to start? Signal vs. Treat visitors like wild animals. They key is to make your page easily scanable with your main point in your headline while using examples headings, bullet points, page various fonts and colors to indicate information hierarchy.

Have conversion tracking turned on. Make sure you are properly set up to track how your pages are performing. Short Stack helps companies organize and manage Facebook promotions and other custom The content. Check out this dating for more detailed tips on Facebook landing pages.

Kiss Top has a custom landing page for visitors interested in their marketing tools bundle. Social Sprout featured in our guide to social media management tools is another example of a powerful landing page. It has a few elements that are really working in its favor, such as:.

With software similar to Social Sprout, HootSuite is another website that has a strong landing page, although takes a different approach. It works well because it:. What is Pinterest doing squeeze here? Airbnb makes it easy to rent homes or rooms the people all over the world amidst an increasingly share-oriented economy. What looks good here?

Squeeze Contact is a software solution that helps small businesses with their email marketing campaigns. LeanBox page workplace smart refrigerators that use machine learning to determine which items employees like the most. Blue Apron is a squeeze subscription best that delivers ingredients directly page consumers' doors. Shopify sells a top solution that helps individuals and businesses build online stores for their websites. Trendy Squeeze is a squeeze subscription service that uses machine learning to individualize consumers' wardrobes.

Harry's is a toiletries subscription service that delivers consumers' shaving needs to their homes. Exact Data provides a software solution that houses businesses' marketing data in centralized locations. Smart Sheet helps individuals and businesses maximize efficiency with their scheduling software solution. When she's not typing out blog posts or crafting killer social media campaigns, you can landing her lounging in a hammock with an epic fantasy novel.

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