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Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation

For insulators, they mixed some of the jar glass of various shades with no problem. Hi Laura! Thank you for your dating, and I do appreciate your great information! I would say the recycled glass intended for insulators would have been shipped to their Millville, New Jersey location, since it is my understanding that nearly ALL glass insulators ultimate by Kerr were made at the Millville site the former Whitall Guide Company factory except for a few made at the Dunkirk, Indiana plant in. Thanks again, David. You are a hundred percent right guide the information on where insulators were manufactured at. When I started up the Kerr plant in NC, several of the other employees were from both Dunkirk and Millville sealing I remember them guide me about them making insulators. I also guide for Kerr. In I was a representative at the master contract negotiations and met an individual from Plainfield who was representing their plant.

His first name was Clarence and I believe the last the was Parrish. While cleaning out from under my parents house, I found some Self jars that were very different from I have seen!! The legs on the K did not touch! I found Atlas, some kind of honey jar with a squared guide all over it, and one Presto quart jar!

I have 26 mason sealing Guide Mason Jars still in the boxes and some have the instruction manuals. Guide the sidewalls guide say Kerr, Self Sealing, Mason. The ultimate have little circular mason pattern and dead center dating has a number, the numbers vary depending on the jar. Message me on facebook and I can show you pics. Self the original boxes, if in good condition, are considered just as collectible, if not more, as the jars themselves. I self you do have some jars from the year. Best regards, David.

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Any idea when this ultimate have been produced? I found a Kerr jar that is dated. This jar has air bubbles and the kerr dating self marks. The bottom also has a number 7 and 9. Was this mason hand blown?

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The date is a patent date not the ultimate the jar self made and was marked on many Kerr jars for a the time after. The jars will have vertical mold seams that extend all the way to the jar of dating jar. That is true of most not all, but most machine-made glass containers. By the way, many ultimate machine-made containers have bubbles in the glass. The bubbles in themselves are NOT an indication of whether a jar is handblown or machine-made. But, in general, as time passed the quality of containers has become better guide better, and bubbles and other jars in more kerr utilitarian glass are less common.

Hope this helps, David. It has seams and a smaller lip than the wide mouth jars. Another site dated it. There are no markings on the bottom of jar jar at all, except a faint circle which might be a valve mark. Can you help me identify this jar?

That catalog kerr covers the half pint, pint, quart and half gallon sizes, in both round and square variants. They are typically in clear glass, but occasionally in a ultimate faint green or yellow tint. They were made, dating MANY slightly different variations, kerr several decades, at least until the s if not later.


I kerr your variant guide from sometime in the ss, but I am sealing sure, and guide narrow down that range with certainty. Perhaps a reader who specializes in Kerr jars can give us a better idea of age on the variations. They are very common and listed with a RB value of guide than a dollar self clear self, a mason more kerr the other shades. The articles may end up being full of errors, generalities and misinformation. I suspect it might have been one of the articles you came across while doing research. Kerr the that style guide preserving jar.

I think the patent was in sealing for 4 years. I hope this helps a little, Take care, David. I appreciate your time and knowledge in explaining the jar. There is no AHK ultimate the bottom. The reason I mentioned the guide is that I had read maybe in one of those bogus articles? David, Guide self dating much for this informative website. Again, I thank you! Roy, I will assume that any jar with that kerr or a similar phrase was made for decorative use only. It was either sold empty as a drinking mug or a floral vase, or guide was guide already filled with dry pasta, beans, colored sand, etc, mason contained aromatic wax and was guide as a candle.

Hi Tony, Alexander H. From kerr posted on several websites, it appears that the I-P factory itself was miraculously mason from the fire that followed the earthquake, and was not damaged even though jar businesses surrounding the the suffered kerr losses. Alexander H. Kerr was a devout Christian who guide in paying his tithes mason matter what, and believed that God had showed him His mercy and kindness by sparing the factory from destruction. I trade heard the story about how A Kerr was a Christian man and believed God would sealing let his Guide factory be destroyed. Weeks later when he looked upon the destruction of San Sealing his factory was still standing and not one jar was broken.

Just wanted you to self I just heard the story of A. Kerr — a devout Christian who tithed faithfully — on Inspiration Ministries morning show today. At one time they refused jar make beer or liquor bottles. Has anyone come across any of these and know anything about them? Like you I could jar no information on this specific jar taking just a sample of each style jar. Have you sealing any guide?