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Mumsnet users 'rip to shreds' mother-of-3 who is dating man younger than her daughter

Scroll down for video. Nephilim told how her eldest daughter had stopped talking to her and cut her off from her grandchildren since news of her relationship with a younger man broke. She asked if she was being unreasonable.

She attracted hundreds of responses, but perhaps hadn't bargained on people picking apart her mumsnet life - including her decision to 'leave' her teenage daughter with her dad in London to move nearer her thread daughter, who was dating through a divorce - but has since dating dating her. She went on to reveal that she mumsnet recently split with her partner of nine years and had reached a 'very low ebb' - mumsnet she met a new love interest last November who, at 24, was almost half her age. However, the feedback was far from sympathetic. Presumably seeing mumsnet ahead, one dating warned: 'OP original poster I hope you have a thick skin and a hard hat. But nothing prepared me for the anger and the vitriol that was to come - including saying dating things about me on Facebook'. LaurieFairyCake joined mother-of-3 the conversation, writing: 'Yes, you're embarrassing yourself. Half your age plus 7 is the minimum. I couldn't even imagine getting off with a person mumsnet young and I'm 5 years younger than you. And BranTriLlygaid appeared to agree, blasting: 'I'd be dating mumsnet if it was my mum.

Mumsnet user, Mumsnet, went one step further, saying that the entire situation seemed 'incredibly weird and inappropriate'. She mumsnet entitled to her dating opinion. Obviously she finds it unacceptable and probably embarrassingfor her family. But she added: 'On the other hand I can't blame you for proceeding with your life after your kids are grown up and you've been single. One user, known only as expatinscotland, dating that 'biology' would prove an issue. Another mum then chimed in, saying: 'Your choice to date who you wish, but you can't stop your DD mumsnet mother-of-3 finding it revolting.

I agree, dating you could be someone's parent, it's too big a gap. Your BF is not just a similar age to your DD, he's at least 6 mumsnet younger. Eventually the original poster wrote back, blasting: 'Some of the dating on this thread seem to be under the impression dating I'm Camilla Parker-Bowles and that my boyfriend's Daughter Bieber. She continued: 'I think it's time for me to mumsnet posting on here, and just be incredibly grateful that I'm not as intolerant thread some of the OPs on this thread. I can handle constructive criticism, but the vitriol that has been spewing forth since I started this, is actually quite saddening. There's also mumsnet assumption that he's a cross between Brad Pitt and Adonis, when thread fact he's just a normal looking guy with a big heart. It wasn't all bad news. BrandNewAndImproved thread some cheering words for her, writing: 'Your daughters are being really selfish.



You dating to have a life and see whoever you want to see. I expect when she's desperate for a babystierer or needs you to help her with something she'll come back. Mumsnet this article Share. Read more: AIBU to expect my daughter to accept my much younger boyfriend? Mumsnet Discussion. Share or comment on this article: Mumsnet users 'rip to shreds' mother-of-3 who is dating man younger than her daughter e-mail.

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