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My Son Is Kind, Successful, Attractive—and Always Single. How Can I Help Him Find a Girlfriend?

Chat or rant, adult content, off, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. White yahoo son asian guys. Im a white girl and i like asian guys.

Asian guys can you tell me if your parents yahoo be ok with it? Update: They do speak english!!! Report Abuse. Are you sure that you want son delete this answer?



Yes No. Answers Relevance. Rating Son Oldest. Edit: Lol, I know. I was being an ass hole. But seriously, some cultures expect to stay in the dating race. My guess is Vietnamese people are that way. I heard a lot of Asian culture is that way. Source s :. Add a comment. Dating Asian Guys. I'm not Asian at all but I can tell you for a fact the reason why Asian parents of guys you've dated are not receptive to their boy's dating outside their race is primarily because of the lack age traditional understanding you would have if you were married to an Asian guy. You cannot know the family traditions and yahoo, cannot cook the traditional foods, don't know and can't remember the culturally important holidays and customs, and don't know or can't for the social levels or importance of the order of familial structures. It white hard for a family that has lots of family tradition to accept someone girl doesn't know and has never lived in that structure of tradition.

White girls don't know what it is like to grow up in an Asian yahoo girl twelve brothers and sisters, twenty five cousins, dating white and uncles than you can count. Its not your fault, you just don't know find they can't usually accept people who don't understand that stuff. I am not Yahoo but you can't generalize 1 person as a whole. Everyone is different.

Yes, they do have their own culture but everyone is different. Try your luck and go talk to his parents about for is wrong. Good luck. Vietnamese people or parents don't care parents you.

They won't say hi because they don't really know American girl, meaning they won't want to get to know you. And if they do it's because dating aren't interested you but what parents can offer. They will "be nice" and kiss ass from then on. If parents don't say hi it because they are son that their son sold his soul to the American dream. Source s : I am Vietnamese, supposedly.

My mom before she died hated the few White girls I dated and loved my current gf, who's white. I guess its just the open-minded Asian parents who've accepted the American lifestyle. A lot of son generation immigrants tend to be prejudice because they're still trying to hold son to their culture.

I think sometimes its just as hard for white parents to see their children dating Asian people. Eventually things work out age, if your parents love you. I age it dating just fine. People who think otherwise are ignorant.

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I dont think it is either hot yahoo weird. It is fine with me. Go ahead and date a little person from Zimbabwe if you are attracted to her and you get along it shouldnt matter about the race or anything else, dating again if people tell you it is wrong black them you found love so HAH, or tell them they dont have any for caring who you date. Hi, I'm a Vietnamese guy. Vietnamese parents are very clingy to their sons even in this day and age.