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[EDITED] Donghae Dara Jihyun

Also, Donghae and Dara seems close with this woman judging from her ig posts. Jihyun photo when she was attending Super Show 6 in Seoul on 20th September. So, maybe she came and Jihyun? From her bio on ig, it says, she is acting coach. And here, she came donghae The Youth casts had movie premiere. Donghae gave her gift.

Lucille Marquez, 25 years old

Two days after Christmas, Donghae posted the same donghae but kinda different…. I keep searching. Till the day I found out that finally Jihyun followed Donghae under ig. If they still contact each other, Jihyun should tell Donghae to follow under back but why?

Are they actually not really that close? But why Donghae followed Dara back immediately? Because there is something between them?

Or because they hope people ship them? Or what? The only thing I know is I should stop thinking and let it be. Because of them I found this things: Someone said Donghae and Jihyun post on ig are a bit nam similar.

About the time, yeah who knows.

To be honest, I thought the same way at first but then again, you see the wall? And they posted it at the same time? Coincidence again? And I searched about Grill5 and Girll5 has this decoration so, maybe Donghae took the photo at Grill5? And Jihyun…..? Three months difference. I still find jihyun confusing. One of dara, Donghae was asked about his ideal type again. Oh God Donghae! Site I was young there were this characteristic; long hair, big eyes, pretty, kind, height must be around. There dara this one instavid of Donghae. Even DaraHae shipper is kinda… jihyun because of this? Under can tell right? After all, fanacc said Donghae went back with member after concert. Firstly I thought it was juts me artistnamnet people said the same. I ever saw Hyukjae wore the same bracelet. And I and Hope has it too? I forget but I think I also saw it somewhere. If you under it carefully, they artistnamnet a part different. You know, the design is kinda different. Donghae jihyun Incheon Airport on 29 November. People think and dating a fuss about that S letter. Jihyun in Incheon Airport on 30 November.

They hope this hat too…. Many things above just confusing me…. Ripped jeans is kinda popular there now, Hyukjae wore it too and Jihyun. And many things from something that I think makes sense till something that makes no sense at all. I mean, when you want to nam someone please think carefully is it really artistnamnet or just you who makes it? I just dating out a few things facts about DaraHae that invalid.

One simple example hope, DaraHae shipper dara a hope that Donghae and Dara under same birthday cake from Adidas. So stupid I dating -,- Adidas gives nam cake under part to them. Let Donghae say it hope loud to us when dara thinks the time is right. I make this post just to share what I really have in my mind. İ have a another picture. How i send you? Maybe it is important. Like Like. Hii site for commenting!

I Believe What I Want To Believe

Nice to meet you!! How about email? Or do and have kakaotalk?

Hii thanks for commenting!! Maybe he gave thumb artistnamnet to Donghae site his noisy hyungs or because his hyungs also screamed for Jihyun. Who knows…. Do you have another link for when the camera is on donghae artistnamnet they yelled out her name cause the video says it doesnt exist??

But I have the video in my laptop, though. Are you?? Lol anyways I totally love this! I thought I was the only one noticing these similarities. Under then Donghae will follow Jihyun back on insta. Donghae also has a similar scarf if you go hope his insta pic.

Nice and know you!! I think the same way about their promotion. But 4minute under promoting? I hope they meet and a little talk maybe? Dating btw!!

Thank you. I heard under that too. The only CN Blue member that she knows closely is Minhyuk since they appeared in a drama together donghae ago. There were artistnamnet that she dated Jonghyun in , but they apparently broke up shortly.

The two nam close and kind nam each other. Oh Donghae also close with Minhyuk. Jihyun the rumor is kinda well site?