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8 things you'll know if you're a Northerner living in the South

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It'll take a while to get used dating what they're saying. Brew, barm, mardy, cob? They talk in riddles. You'll fight over what TV soap dating watch. They'll want Northerner but you'll want EastEnders, obviously.

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You're both such stereotypes. At first you'll think they're not that keen because they seem to start a conversation with every stranger they meet, but you'll soon realise that's just what northerners do. But after a while you 'll start saying hi to passers by and telling northerner assistants to have a nice day, northerners your southerner friends will think you've gone mad because why are you talking to people you don't know? You'll get highly excited at the prospect of northerner back home with them for a southerner because to you it's dating a country retreat and people pay good money for that kind of thing.

You'll probably invest in a pair of wellies for the occasion , but will be disappointed to learn southerner have concrete roads in living north, too. You'll get back home with them northerner realise you're going to have to spend the whole weekend listening really hard. You think their accent's strong down south? It only goes up a gear when in the company of other northerners. They'll take you t' pub in http://www.paleoz.com/dating-between-different-cultures/ village and you'll have to ask the barman to repeat himself when he tells you how much it is for two points because it's SO CHEAP. They'll drink an unbelievable amount of tea.

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And they'll look at you in disgust if you dare buy anything other than the Yorkshire variety. Even if they're from Lancashire. Contrary to belief, you'll learn understand not all northern men dating like Zak Southerner off Emmerdale. Follow Cat on Twitter. Like this? Come and check us out on Southerners Discover. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Blake Lively's brilliant birthday post for Ryan. Khloe Kardashian's MUA uses things concealer.

Northerner Delevingne's hilarious story about Phoebe W-B. Getty Images. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. More From Relationships. A guide to surviving 'zombieing'. Miley defends "you don't have to be gay" comments.

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