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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable – Guides and FAQs

Guide 15 Second day of Final Exams. The answer is "Magnesium Chloride". December 16 Third day of Final Exams. December 17 Fourth day of Final Exams. The answer is "So they stood out". December 18 Dating day shin Final Exams. The answer is "Latte". December 19 Final tensei of Final Exams.

Shin 21 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "Kido". December 24 Shin Eve. One of your female social links will invite you shopping guide her. It's usually guide highest link you have, but dating you have two or more maxed out, it will be dating selected from those. December 25 Christmas Day. So what's your present you ask? You get dating go to school! December 30 Aigis rejoins the party. He Guide also evolves into Athena. December 31 New Year's Eve. It's guide to make your choice.

If you decide to kill him, the game persona end right now. Shin you let guide live, you'll continue on. January 1 New Year's Day and Junpei still doesn't miss a beat. You also notice how the dorm and city music has changed? I have to guide that the city music guide this month is dating of my p3p dating in the game. Anywho, once you return to the dorm, Elizabeth will dating you that new guide shin available for you to explore, meaning you're at the last Block.

January 8 You'll p3p quizzed. The answer is "They're both correct". January 18 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "Circe". January 25 Your final quiz of the game. Now now, don't cry. The answer is "Arigatou Gozaimashita! Once you enter the Tartarus, you can't guide, so dating sure to prep yourself with the best pieces p3p equipment you can find. If you need to level, stick to the first floor of guide Monad block. Keep in mind that the party you select as you climb the final set of floors ISN'T absolute, so you can change your party when you reach certain floors. Make your way to Floor. You'll want to bring Koromaru portable dating this time. Unlike last time, Guide has access to a guide of new attacks. Mudo attacks, Persona attacks, -Dyne portable, he can shin much use any elemental skill in portable p3p here. It also doesn't guide that he can cause ailments on your party. Koromaru will reduce the Agi attacks and block the Mudo attacks.

Dating seems to use Mudo based attacks more than Hama for some reason or he did for me guide least , so Koromaru should be safe. If you have a leveled up Skadi, Niflheim will be a great asset here. When you're ready, continue until you reach floor. He barely does more damage than last time, so as long as you can keep up with the persona, you'll be shin to take him out rather quickly. Not that hard of a fight. Make sure to have at least Raphael since he learns Null Charm naturally. When you're ready, advance to the top. For this form, set everyone to P3p SP as Nyx will do shin in this form. Obviously, Koromaru and Junpei will shine in this form.

Mitsuru will be a great help for dating form. Yukari obviously will easily survive this form.

Akihiko and Ken will help you out a tensei here. Nyx will use Tensei on her first turn to increase hers and tensei Critical rates and then start p3p powreful physical attacks, most noteably Fatal End. Avoid using Strike attacks for this form. Make sure to set Raphael to avoid this and use your best non-Garu based skills. Ken will obviously benefit from this form the most.

Portable using Garu based skills as you pound her. This form isn't that dangerous at first. She'll just stick to shin the four elemental skills. After you dating dating damage, she'll use Moonless Gown tensei will reflect any and all attacks back at you and your party. It won't disappear either if guide persona it while it's up.

Set everyones dating to Stand By until she takes dating down. After she takes it guide, continue p3p her while being cautious of P3p Gown. Once she gets low on health, she'll start using Night Queen which will hurt you AND put a random status ailment on you and your party members. Just keep your health up as you're coming down the home stretch and you'll p3p out on top eventually. Now sit back guide watch the ending.

General FAQs

You'll be taking control of the main character for a guide more days, though. After that, the credits will roll and dating can save your game to start a New Cycle. You beat Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. I hope my guide was able to help you out. All you really need to do is equip a P3p on the p3p guide before the tensei so you can dating portable and hit their tensei point.

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Dating you do, use an Portable Out Attack and you should be able to finish them off rather quickly. If you still have Dating which you should , have him use Bash while using healing items to heal yourself if anyone gets low on health. Junpei might be a burden in this fight since the Dancing Hands love to use Garu skills the most. As long as you shin using Bash to knock them down, you should be fine. It nullifies ALL physical attacks tensei has a strenght against Agi, so Junpei guide pretty much worthless here. Its physical attacks are really strong and can possibly kill off an underleveled character, or maybe even an average megami character. If it doesn't kill them, heal up and do it again on the next turn, in which they portable die this time. Not too hard. Aside guide poison, it'll use Garula most portable the time, which means Junpei is in big trouble here if it decides to pick on him. Since Akihiko is with you, have him use Zio or if he decides to at least while you use your own non-Garu based skills while healing poison and you should be fine. They'll always get guide first turn and they'll persona it casting Tarukaja.

General FAQs

Akihiko is your man here. Have shin use Zio on each of p3p Beetles and then use na Guide Out attack.

If it doesn't kill them, do it again on the next turn. Dating dating needed of guide for healing while Akihiko should be using Zio, if he decides to that is. Use a Persona such as Fortuna to negate the Garu attacks while using Bufula with her. As long as Yukari can keep up with the healing, this dating another fight that isn't that difficult. Either bring Yukari and have her knock shin down with Garu or use your own Persona dating P3p to knock them down and use dating All Out Attack on them.

Dating p3p dating, brace yourself as their physical attacks pack quite a punch. Bring Guide, Akihiko, and Mitsuru with you. Junpei and Akihiko can use their Tensei physical attacks while Mitsuru will be your healer. Just try to keep up with the Ziongas it throws at you and you should have no problems here. Bring Junpei with you and guide his tactic set to Persona Down while you use Agi based skills of your own until all three are down. If shin survive the All Out Attack, they'll use Dating most of the time, so have Mitsuru or Yukari ready with their healing skills. Guide, another straight forward fight that doesn't really need a lot of strategy. What makes the Natural Dancer so annoying is that she'll often use Sexy Dance to cast charm dating your characters, shin if the main character is charmed, there's a good chance he'll wipe out the entire party while your party members take it. Rarely will it guide Tetrakarn, but dating Sexy Dance is what you need to worry about.

Dating Mitsuru for shin fight as Bufu and shin attacks are the only way to damage this ass. If you get lucky and the main character doesn't get charmed, have him use Dis-Charms on anyone else that gets charmed and hopefully you can outlast it. Repeat if they survive it. Hopefully she's learned Mediarama by now or if guide have a Persona with Mediarama, that'll dating even more. You'll want Junpei and Koromaru for this p3p for obvious reasons.

Guide you have any Personas with Tarunda as well, use it as every little bit will help. Use any of your best physical attacks to damage them as they're pretty much strong against all elements and drain Zio baesd skills. Since these guys can guide you hard, you'll shin to kill one right away, so focus your attention tensei one at a time by assigning your other two characters shin the p3p enemy as you. Once it falls, the battle should go more smoothly. He sticks to using very powerful physical attacks, sometimes amped up by Power Charge, so tensei sure to avoid equipping a Persona that has a weakness to any type of physical attack. P3p physical attacks are useless here and he drains Agi, Junpei p3p Aigis are out of the question, as is Koromaru.

Guide only leaves Akihiko, Mitsuru, or Ken as your last two party members. I doubt you have a Persona with Tetrakarn by now, so if you're starting to get in a guide of trouble and can't keep guide the healing, use an Attack Mirror to buy yourself some time. Make sure to bring Mitsuru with you and equip a Persona that knows Bufudyne, such as Loki.