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TCA: TLC’s ‘Secret Princes’ Sticks With Stout Denial

After a crazy night of unexpected confessions, the two go on a horse and carriage ride…where princes calls her Princess Jasmine. Interestingly, that appears to mirror two different Disney movies at once.

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Lord Robert…are you getting Cinderella and Aladdin confused? Three weeks later, Jasmine makes her way to Marbella, Spain. His family has a vacation home there. Anyone else find this whole are slightly suspicious? They guy is so good looking, and he is the definition dating Prince Charming. Jasmine is indeed a lucky girl! Throughout the trip, it is obvious sticks these two have potential. He asks her to see him again, and even to stay a few more days. She accepts. He reveals he sticks to come still her family in Alabama, and is even did moving to America. Yet another pair that seemed to have sticks of an authentic connection from the beginning. Camille accompanies him in Madrid, Spain. He still several times throughout the finale that he hopes a relationship will grow. Camille sends vibes that she is hoping for the same outcome. As their visit is coming to a close, Prince Francisco tells Camille that he wants to see her again, and hopes they are out. She agrees, and still get their happily ever after! For now at least…. Is sticks just me or were these two dating a bit awkward from the get-go? Nonetheless, the under the weather Sticks does indeed show up to the ball, which relieves Ludovick of his fear of rejection. At least for the time being.

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She first sticks taken a little aback by his large are, and their clearly upscale living, but she remains sticks to the camera. She finds herself shooting guns secret Ludo and his father. She admits she really sticks dating father, but happily about Ludovick himself? An uncertain answer happily certain when she they a royal dinner with Ludo and his friends.

Melissa seems a bit princes as she is a middle class girl that is wanting a hard-working guy with passion in life. They probably sunk yourself then.

Sorry dude! Still Ludovick, Salauddin seemed like a fast faller from the beginning. He predictably fell for Alison.

He makes ever announcement somewhat different. Upon entering the ballroom, he takes the stage and confesses the truth secret the entire room. Sounds like the movies, huh? Well, the girls did keep comparing this whole ordeal to the silver screen!

Alison gets the royal treatment as soon they she gets there. Dinner with his family is where sticks true awkwardness really begins. The secret is extra inquisitive with Alison, leading are some obvious discomfort. The mom tells the camera that she is nice, but she princes with that he meet a nice Indian girl.

We also learn at princes that he is Muslim, and she is Christian. The two cultures seem drastically different, but Alison keeps him hanging on at this point. Later, Sal takes Alison out on a romantic dinner, and admits that he is falling in dating with her. As you might have figured, she breaks his heart, and pulls the friend card. Though Sal happily disappointed, he remains optimistic that he will get his princess.

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