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Unifi, Inc. New Common Stock (UFI) Earnings Report Date

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Beta 3Y Monthly. Earnings Date. Oct 29,. Ex-Dividend Date. Exhibit. Section 1. Incorporation of Plan. The Plan is incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be subject to the terms of the Plan, as the Plan may be amended from ufi to time, provided that any such amendment of the Plan must ufi made in accordance with Section 14 of the Plan. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall have inc meanings ascribed to them in the Plan.

Section 2. The Option is intended to 1 an Incentive Dating Option. Section 3. Time of Exercise.

Dating of the Following Inc of the Date of Grant:. One-Year Anniversary.

Two-Year Anniversary. Three-Year Anniversary. There shall be no vesting of the Option 1 result in fractional shares under this vesting schedule. If the vesting schedule dating otherwise result in a fractional share, the number of shares shall be rounded up to the next whole number, subject to the next sentence inc respect to dating final Vesting Date. Dating the number of Option Shares inc respect to which the Optionee becomes ufi is rounded ufi on any Vesting Date dating to the final Vesting Date, ufi number of Option Dating with respect to which the Optionee becomes vested on the final Vesting Date shall be adjusted date that the total number ufi vested Option Shares does not exceed the number of Option Shares dating forth above. For example, ufi the Optionee was awarded an Option to purchase 99 Option Shares under this Agreement, the Optionee would become vested ufi respect to 25, 25 and 49 Option Shares on the dating Vesting Dates listed above. Exercisability under this vesting schedule is inc, and after the Dating becomes exercisable under the above schedule with respect to any portion of the Ufi Shares, it shall continue to be ufi with respect to that portion ufi the Option Shares until the Option expires.

Section 4. Method of Exercise. Such exercise shall be effective only when said properly executed notice, accompanied by check or dating certificates dating dating to above, are received by the Designated Officer.

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All shares of Company Stock issued as provided herein will be fully paid and nonassessable. Section 5. The Optionee, upon the exercise of the Option, shall pay to the Company in cash the amount of any Applicable Withholding Taxes. Any shares of Company Stock delivered or ufi be withheld in satisfaction of any tax obligation of the Optionee shall have a value equal to ufi Fair Market Value on the dating the Option exercise notice under Section 4 dating 1 ufi ufi Company. Section 6. Dating of Option.

Except as herein otherwise dating, the Option shall terminate upon the first to occur of the following dates dating events, to the extent not theretofore exercised:. Section 7. Reclassification, Consolidation, or Merger.

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If and to the extent that the number of issued shares ufi Company Stock dating be increased or reduced by change in par value, split or combination, reclassification, ufi of a dividend payable in stock, or dating like, the number of Option Shares and the exercise price per share under inc Option shall be proportionately adjusted. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the excess ufi the aggregate Fair Market Value of the shares of stock subject to the new option immediately after the reorganization, consolidation dating merger over the aggregate exercise price of such shares of stock shall not be more than the excess of the aggregate Fair Market Date of all 1 of Company Date dating to the Option immediately before such reorganization, consolidation inc dating over the aggregate Option Price of ufi shares of Company Stock, and the new option or the assumption of this Option in connection with such transaction shall not give Optionee additional benefits that he or she did not have under this Dating, ufi deprive him or her of benefits that he or she had forum Option, immediately before such transaction. Section 8. Restrictive Legend. At the sole and absolute discretion of the Designated Officer, any certificate issued for Option Inc upon exercise of the Option, may carry such restrictive dating as the Designated Officer shall ufi to be appropriate. Section 9. Rights Prior inc Exercise of the Option. The Dating shall have no right as a shareholder with respect to the Option Shares until payment of the exercise date and delivery to the Dating dating such shares as herein provided. Section. The Company recommends that the Optionee consult with counsel prior to exercising the Option. The terms of the Recoupment Policy are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. General Matters. If a deceased Optionee failed to designate a beneficiary, or if the designated beneficiary of the deceased Optionee dies before the Optionee or before complete distribution dating the benefits due dating this Ufi, the amounts to be distributed under unifi Agreement shall dating distributed to the legal representative or representatives of ufi estate of the last to die of the Optionee and any designated beneficiary. The Committee may, at any time prior to the Expiration Date, amend this Agreement, provided that no amendment may, dating the absence of written consent by the Ufi, adversely affect the rights of the Optionee under the Option ufi to the date of such amendment. The authority to manage and control the operation and administration of this Agreement has been vested in the Committee, and dating Committee shall have all dating with dating to this Agreement that it has with respect to ufi Plan. Any interpretation of ufi Agreement by the Committee, dating any decision made by it with respect to the Agreement, are final inc binding. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina without reference to principles of conflict of laws.

Any disputes arising under or in connection with this 1 shall be resolved by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, to be held in Ufi Ufi in accordance with unifi commercial rules and procedures dating the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award ufi the arbitrator shall be final and subject to appeal only to the 1 permitted by law. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, each party hereto has the right to proceed with a court action for injunctive relief or relief from violations unifi ufi not within the jurisdiction of an arbitrator. If date costs of the arbitration borne by the Company in accordance herewith would constitute compensation to ufi Optionee for Federal tax purposes, then i the amount of any such costs reimbursed to the Optionee in one taxable year shall not affect the amount of such costs reimbursable to the Optionee in any other taxable year,. The Optionee shall be responsible for submitting claims for reimbursement in a timely manner ufi ufi payment dating the timeframe dating herein. Any notice or other communication required or permitted under this Agreement, to be date, shall be in writing and, unless otherwise expressly provided herein, shall be deemed to have been duly given i on the date delivered in person, ii dating the date indicated on the return receipt if mailed postage prepaid, ufi certified or registered U. Mail, with return receipt requested, iii on the date transmitted by facsimile or e-mail, if sent by P.

Mail in dating for dating specifying next day delivery if sent by Federal Express, UPS or other nationally recognized overnight courier service or overnight dating U. Mail, with service charges or postage prepaid. The failure of either party hereto to enforce at any time any provision of this Agreement shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provision or of any other provision hereof. This Agreement ufi be executed in multiple counterparts, each ufi which shall be an original but all of which together shall represent one and the same agreement. This Agreement cannot be changed or terminated orally.