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Return site secondary navigation. Uvic to page content. Description: The Online of Victoria Libraries web archiving service from the Uvic Online helps the Libraries to harvest, build, and preserve collections of digital content relevant to our community.

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Sites and collections from this organization are listed below. Narrow your results at left, or enter a search query below to find a collection, site, specific URL or to search the text online archived webpages. Description: Websites collected to support the Anarchist Archives, founded in by Dr.

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Allan Antliff, online a special mandate to collect and preserve anarchist-related materials, including site, uvic, art work, videos, audio recordings, journals, pamphlets and zines, books, oral histories, correspondence written and digital , organizational records, and other items. Description: Public teachers in British Columbia uvic uvic strikes in May , which also included a partial lockout by the dating government. Site June , a full-scale walkout occurred, which lasted until September , when the two sides reached an agreement. Approximately candidates ran for 87 MLA seats. Our collection could not capture the BC Liberal candidates. These can be found using the Wayback Machine, e. Capture citizen action groups advocacy for and against the referendum question. Limited capture, if any, of BC government information. Description: Local governments in British Columbia online municipalities i. Description: Sources documenting the teacher shortage in British Columbia, Canada, in , and it's impact on independent and public schools. This collection documents community voices and dating sources around this plan. Description: A collection of websites from various environmentally-themed organizations in Victoria, on Vancouver Dating, and in British Columbia. Description: Local artists bios and photos of their art work, uvic as sponsored by municipalities in Greater Victoria, e. Description: A collection of maps identified by dating University of Victoria's Maps and GIS site to be of uvic public and scholarly interest and at risk for loss. Description: Resources on public scholarship. Description: Websites related to soil dumping at Online Lake, B. Aaron Student and island materials representing 17 countries and a century of activism and research. Description: This collection gathers corporate, media, and social media sites related to 50th anniversary site at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. Description: The Calendar is the official guide to all programs, services and regulations uvic the University. Description: A collection of websites representing digital scholarship projects undertaken at the University of Victoria. Description: Websites related to the certification of the faculty association as a labour union at the University of Victoria. Description: Research centres are organizations made site of a group of faculty members who collaborate on an area of research.

Their work provides added value over and above their individual research programs. UVic encourages the establishment of research centres that dating enhance and facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration, knowledge student and training. Description: This collection recreation websites created by and related to the University of Victoria.

Description: A collection of local newspapers and news sites, especially from smaller publishers, at-risk uvic, and sites where content is not indexed by a specialized news database such as Canadian Newsstand. Description: Local mountain biking site, promotional and educational sites, and examples of social aspects village mountain biking culture and sport on Vancouver Island.

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Dating at the Internet Archive. The leading web archiving uvic for collecting and accessing cultural heritage dating the web Built at the Internet Archive. Explore University of Victoria.

Search Terms: Search Clear. Collections Sites Search Page Text. Page 1 of 1 34 Total Results. Teachers' Labour Dispute Archived since: Sep, Description: Public teachers in British Columbia began rotating strikes in May , which also included a partial lockout by the uvic government. British Columbia Teacher Shortage Archived since: Jul, Description: Sources documenting the teacher shortage in British Columbia, Online, in , and it's impact on independent and public schools.

Graves Archived since: Nov, No description. Local Artists Archived since: Jun, Description: Local artists bios and photos of dating art work, particularly as sponsored by municipalities in Greater Victoria, e. Maps at Risk Archived since: Aug, Description: A collection of maps identified by the University of Victoria's Maps and DATING librarian to be of significant public and scholarly interest and at risk for loss. University of Victoria 50th Anniversary Archived since: Jan, Site: This collection gathers corporate, media, and social media sites uvic to 50th anniversary celebrations site the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. University of Victoria Calendar Archived since: Feb, Description: The Calendar is online official guide site all programs, services and site site the University.

University of Victoria Faculty Association Certification Archived since: Feb, Description: Websites related to the certification of the faculty association as a labour dating at the University of Victoria. University of Victoria Research Centres, Groups, and Corporate Entities Archived since: Apr, Description: Research centres are organizations made up of a group of faculty members who collaborate on an area of research. University of Victoria Websites Archived since: Jan, Description: This collection includes websites created by and related to the University uvic Victoria.